Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

upload file in the blog

You can file for Naro simpen first in pake sign up your gmail account. continue if dah have an account on 'googlepages', you can only upload your file2. after that click on the results of the file uploaded on googlepages. it will appear a new tab (firefox) / new windows (IE), which led to the files you have uploaded his copy link and paste it in notepad. or you can also taro in Site2 uploader
others with the way in googling. some of them: rapidshare, megaupload, etc. you send it.
Create thumbnail screen shots in your blogger posts for each of your pdf file the following explanation. paste the link that you've either get it from 'google pages', 'you send it', 'Rapidshare', 'megaupload', etc.. in each thumbanail screenshots of each file, hati2 ketuker heheh.
First upload your image file first screenshots in the image hosting site like etc.. sign up once. or it could be too direct in googlepages taro. continue to take the link and apply the html code as below:
for example:
paste the code in your post, edit the html, not in the compose tab. after dipaste try at the click preview. if you mean out of the picture dah dah. Hooreey!
so every post you dah contains images / sreenshots PDF file, or other automatic features direct links to each file hosting, where you save file2 page. eg Naro on Google pages. automatically every visitor who clicks on the picture will be taken to an area LSG download file.
May be useful.
q ni tambahn
to upload the file file2 which are PDF or downloaded to visitors who want to blog dateng qok easy! You must berhosting or put your file on the server later lain.nah server gives you a link to put in your blog. I there a way ........ ok ni go to but you can put you to download visitor file2 you can get from DOLLARS loh.setiap ziddu this one is downloading your file, you will be able to commission even hebatkan ...? ga believe? try and try

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